Friday, January 25, 2008

Ministers Want Harris County Sheriff To Resign

Remember when the Sheriff's Department announced that they would be deleting their emails? Well, this may be the reason why:

Members of a black ministers group on Thursday called on Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas to resign for sending e-mails depicting national civil rights figures Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton getting zapped and reduced to a puff of smoke.

The e-mail, obtained by Channel 13 and aired on a recent news segment, includes a copy of an editorial cartoon that shows Jackson and Sharpton looking up at a star in the sky. A bubble over their heads reads: "Oh, wishing star, we wish for an end to racial strife and bigotry."

I guess they wanted to destroy this little gem after Chuck Rosenthal's emails were made public. I wonder what other types of emails they have. It is really pathetic that these adult do not have anything else better to do.

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