Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Deadbeat Dads Arrested

I was so elated yesterday when I heard that deadbeat dads were being arrested for not paying child support. Perhaps this excerpt says it best:

State and county officials say they’re not going to stand for parents who don’t pay up. “People should take responsibility and take care of their kids,” Constable Victor Trevino said. Trevino said his office has teamed up with the Texas Attorney General to crack down on the 140 parents in his precinct who aren’t paying child support.

“Either they will be left in jail for up to six months, or they can pay a cash bond and the money they pay will go for past child support. It will be sent to the parents and children,” Dalia Perez with the AG’s office said. The constables went after parents who owe anywhere from $5,000 - $76,000 Monday, and they say they’re not done.

Well it is a good thing that one convicted felon does not reside here in Houston anymore. Stan "Pampy" Barre, III is a convicted felon and former Houston resident who knows that if he set foot back in Houston, he may face criminal charges.

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