Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cyber Crime Task Force - What Can We Do?

I was reading the Houston Chronicle, this morning, and I came across a Q&A with Randall Clark, an FBI special agent on the Houston Area Cyber Crimes Task Force. I found it very interesting and I tend to agree with him that parents have to know what their children are doing online. Myspace, however, has become the playground for criminal predators that has not been fully addressed:

Take for example this predator; Stan "Pampy" Barre, III has been using the social networking site to groom young women, who are not legally old enough to drink into engaging in drinking. He has also used the site to gain the trust of unsuspecting victims in order to victimize them later. Myspace did not appropriately address that issue. They only decided to delete his page when he used it to impersonate a famous rapper. If Myspace would have dealt with Stan "Pampy" Barre, III sooner, he would not have been able to carry out his reign of terror.

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