Sunday, October 7, 2007

Please Support The HISD Bond Issue

I wholeheartedly support this bond issue. I hope you do too. Our children's education should be our number 1 priority.

Below are five key reasons to support this bond issue, which is worthy of the overwhelming support of all HISD communities:

• This program would primarily provide critical infrastructure funding for 24 new schools, and renovations to 139 others that received no funding in the prior two bond issues. These 163 schools cannot wait, as a visit to Crawford Elementary or Jackson Middle School makes obvious. Twenty of the new schools are for HISD's youngest elementary school students.

• If approved, the bond program would provide $90 million to upgrade safety and security in every school. In a post-Virginia Tech world we cannot do this quickly enough. Every parent and teacher has the right to expect the safest possible environment for the children.

• All secondary schools would receive $30 million for improved science labs to better prepare children for the scientific opportunities available in the job market. To see and experience science in quality facilities greatly enhances the learning process and stimulates children to engage in the classroom.

• While projects are distributed widely across the district, priority is given to those facilities most in need. HISD has relied on highly recognized outside experts to evaluate the architectural and engineering needs of each school according to its educational adequacy. Following extensive town hall meetings in the communities, HISD has further shown a willingness to modify those plans to fit the specific needs of the diverse communities of HISD.

• This bond package would require no tax increase to fund the program. Initially, a three-cent tax increase was proposed, but based on recently provided assessment information to HISD, this tax increase has been eliminated.

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