Friday, February 8, 2008

Chuck Rosenthal's Legal Bills

Have you ever wondered who was paying DA's Chuck Rosenthal's legal bills for his contempt charges? Well, wonder no more; it's you.

District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal has hired former U.S. Attorney Ron Woods to represent him while the Texas attorney general investigates whether Rosenthal broke the law by using his county computer for political campaigning.

County taxpayers, meanwhile, are paying for other lawyers to defend Rosenthal from an effort to have him held in criminal contempt for deleting e-mail that had been subpoenaed for a civil lawsuit.

Woods' confirmation that he is now working for Rosenthal comes almost a week after attorneys for the county's top prosecutor halted a contempt hearing in which Rosenthal admitted making erroneous statements in a sworn affidavit about deleting several hundred e-mails.

What do you think about the taxpayers paying for Chuck Rosenthal's defense?

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