Saturday, December 8, 2007

Now What?

An autopsy report of the burglars shot by a Pasadena homeowner shows that one of the men was shot in the back sources tell 11 News.

A Pasadena law enforcement official told 11 News that late yesterday; detectives finally got their hands on the preliminary autopsy results. Pasadena police sources also confirmed that a plainclothes officer arrived on the scene just seconds before Joe Horn opened fire, killing the two burglars. |Read more|

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Latest story today says that autopsy reports DO NOT say the robbers were shot in the back.

Seems a plain clothes police officer arrived on the scene just before the ordeal occured, and he says that the robbers rushed at Horn, just as Horn had claimed on the 911 tape, and that one of the robbers "angled away" at the last minute when Horn raised his gun. A claim which seems to have spurred the shot "in the back" controvery so widely seized upon. According to the officer, the robbers came within 7 - 10 ft away from Horn before they were shot. Hardly the vigilante justice scenario that so many are alleging.