Monday, November 5, 2007

Did CareFlite Overcharge the Feds?

A government audit finds CareFlite overcharged the federal government nearly $2 million to evacuate sick or injured people during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

An audit by the inspector general for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services questioned some $2 million of the $5.7 million the medical transport service billed.

The audit said there were times Grand Prairie-based CareFlite used its own aircraft to transport evacuees when it could have looked for less expensive transportation.

However, CareFlite and the Health and Human Services Department defended the costs, saying the contract didn’t require CareFlite to seek subcontractors with lower rates.

Subcontractors were used when CareFlite’s own fleet wasn’t available or when patients were located outside the 1,000-mile range of aircraft in use.

The audit recommended CareFlite refund more than $68,000 of the cost required to transport 11 patients.

It also suggested the Health and Human Services Department work with CareFlite to determine how much can be allowed of the $1.97 million billed without seeking subcontractors.

But Martin J. Brown, Health and Human Services deputy assistant secretary for acquisition management and policy, indicated the agency saw no reason to challenge the charges.

This reminds me of a situation in New Orleans where Slimy Mac-P, a political operative and former restaurateur had his hands in the City's cookie jar.

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